I'm shocked at how intolerant I am. Not of the lad thing – Train Man ditched that at Angkor Wat, where he spent longer than I secretly wanted photographing hundreds of temples. But it wasn't that, since I like the fact he can be a nerd. It's petty things that wind me up. Like yesterday.
Three hours into a sticky six-hour bus journey on a clapped-out Cambodian bus, I was starving. So when we stopped for a ‘happy break' as the driver called it, I dashed to get some food.
Choices were limited. I really wanted the imported Oreos, but I plumped for a small frozen yoghurt. I've eaten too many trans-fats lately and it was more appetising than the stir-fried crickets and cockroaches next to the till.
"Do you want a yoghurt?" I asked Train Man as I hovered over the freezer.
"No, I'll have some of yours, hon."
"But I'm hungry. I'll get us one each," I replied, picking up two.
"No, I don't really want anything," he said, taking one out of my hand and putting it back.
Back on the bus my mouth watered as I opened the pot, got out my travel ‘spork' (half spoon, half fork) and tucked in. "Want to try it?" I whispered half-heartedly, hoping he'd say no. But 30 seconds later Train Man did what he always does.
He ate over half my snack (his bite is at least 1.5 times larger than mine) and when I protested, I just looked like a tight, greedy cow.
I was so narked, I put on my iPod and stared out of the window for the rest of the journey. Train Man laughed, which made it worse, so 24 hours later I'm still in a mood.
It's his birthday in three days, so I'll have to back out of my sulk. I can't believe we're falling out over yoghurt…
Miles covered: 582
Terse sentences exchanged: Lots – over pots
Songs listened to in anger: 28
Next week: Tensions rise as the birthday approaches