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Tell us about your idea of beauty

Do you feel more beautiful as you get older? Have you overcome low self-esteem?



When somebody smiles, that is beauty.


I loved 'The Face of Beauty' section in this week's Fabulous. I'm not suprised that Anna got spotted by a model agency. Her striking red hair and cute freckles are absolutely stunning. I never understood why red-haired kids got picked on at school. I always thought that it was unusual and personally, I'd rather by anything but the same as anyone else. It's so much better to be unique. I wish more models like the women featured in this article were used in fashion magazines.


I always imagined I would feel more confident about my looks as I got older, but oddly the opposite has happened. I felt so much happier with my looks in my early 20s, but now I am nearly 30 I am thoroughly fed up with what I see when I look in the mirror each morning. I hope this will change when I have children, as then I will realise that my body is actually rather special.

Mrs Carol Dorris

Hi my name is Carol im 40 years old,im married with 5 children 19,16,14,10&5(four girls&boy)would just like to say that when i was younger i use to hate myself was teesd at school as had no boobs had no confidence was at boarding school so had no family support.Two years ago after years of torment i had a boob job & i now feel great i have confidence &feel like ive gone frm ugly duckling to a swan &feel great at 40 & yes is the answer to ure question.


beauty comes in many different forms my grandma was 80 before she got her 1st grey hair!she still has the lovely brown curls(with little help from haircolour here and there)and she has lovely soft skin her wrinkles are a story of her life,hardwork +kids +grandchildren..and she wouldnt change a minute of it,now thats a beautiful woman!

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