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November 2008


Fabulous Issue 44 - tell us what you think

Tell us what you think about the latest issue of Fabulous Magazine - free with the News of the World every Sunday.

Have you struggled to have a baby against the odds?

Would you consider using a family member as a surrogate mother? Would you be open and honest with your child if they were conceived in this way? Do you think it's fair on the child to have been conceived by what would be their 'aunt'?

Sex online – is it cheating?

Have you ever been a part of an online world? Are you intrigued by the possibilities out there? Would you consider having sex in Second Life? Would you consider it to be cheating on a partner in real life?


Fabulous Issue 43 - tell us what you think

Tell us what you think about the latest issue of Fabulous Magazine - free with the News of the World every Sunday.

Have you been a victim of drug addiction?

Do you know anybody who has? Are drugs too easily available and accepted these days?

Would you sacrifice sex to hold out for Mr Right?

Do you think sex is important in a relationship? Is it realistic to expect men to understand a decision to be celibate?


Have you overcome a major trauma?

What advice would you give to someone trying to overcome a major trauma? How did you move on with your life?


Have you been a victim of bullying?

Have you been a bully yourself? What can be done to prevent bullying?

What’s your favourite I’m A Celebrity! moment?

Who was your favourite contestant? Which was the best year and why?

Fabulous Issue 42 - tell us what you think

Tell us what you think about the latest issue of Fabulous Magazine - free with the News of the World every Sunday - in our Fabulous Forum.