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Have you struggled to have a baby against the odds?

Would you consider using a family member as a surrogate mother? Would you be open and honest with your child if they were conceived in this way? Do you think it's fair on the child to have been conceived by what would be their 'aunt'?


Lisa Mainwaring

I am very happy to see that Jo & Paul are having the baby they have dreamt of. My sister carried our beautiful daughter and Jo followed our story on the Fertility Friends website. Surrogates are angels, they make the world a better place. From the bottom of my heart I wish them all so much happiness. A thoroughly deserved HAPPY EVER AFTER!"

Sharon Glass

My husband and i have had similar situation to Jo and her husband.We decided after 8 failed ivfs that we would go down the adoption route.It is a hard process to go through and has taken nearly a year and a half,but there is light at the end or the tunnel.Maybe if we could have gone down the surrogacy road and i had a family member or a good friend,them we would have considered it.I would like to say that Jo sister in law is doing a wonderful thing and if you havent had fertility problems,then you dont realise what having a child would mean.Good luck to the whole family,


I'd just like to say how happy I am for Jo Coomb and her husband. Myself and my partner had trouble conceiving a few years ago and we eventually ended up adopting because I wasn't sure about using a surrogate mother. We did think about it but I decided I couldn't go through with it, but I have nothing but admiration for all involved in this story, including the sister-in-law Caroline. I think it's an amazing thing to do for somebody and as long as the child is loved and cared for I don't think it matters how they came to be in this world. I think Jo and Paul will be wonderful parents and I wish them all the best.

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