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Would you sacrifice sex to hold out for Mr Right?

Do you think sex is important in a relationship? Is it realistic to expect men to understand a decision to be celibate?



There's a really good book called Not Tonight Mr Right which says you shouldn't have sex with a man for at least six months. The idea is that if a man is just after you for sex he won't stick around for six months and you won't get invested in such a man - the author also explains the scientific reason why we get invested in men after we sleep with them.

I used this technique with my current boyfriend and this is the happiest relationship I've ever been in.

I do think love should come before sex, but would never judge what another woman decides to do.

Jenny Turner

I admire Angela and Claire's willpower! I think it's a lovely ideal to wait until you've found Mr Right to have sex, but equally I don't think there's anything wrong with a woman who has a healthy sex drive and wants to explore that. Nobody should be judged for what they want to or don't want to get up to behind closed doors.


While I admire women like Angela and Clare, who have given up sex until they find the right man, I'm not sure I could ever do it! To me, the physical side of a relationship is just as important as the emotional side - and you can't have one without the other. But I wish them both luck in finding their perfect partners.

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