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Fabulous Issue 59 - tell us what you think

Tell us what you think about the latest issue of Fabulous Magazine - free with the News of the World every Sunday 


Deborah Bagnall

I've still not received my straighteners either....and wondered if there were any left???? Thanks

Sejal Patel

I was a bit disappointed with the "Free Hairstraighteners" offer as after multiple visits and phone calles to my local ASDA, I found they had not received their delivery of straighteners. I therefore had to pay the extra for delivery when posting off for them. This wasn't so bad, but I then noticed that the application form had to be received by Fabulous before 2 days after ASDA should have had the straighteners. I waited until the final day in the hope that ASDA would receive a delivery so Fabulous must still honour those who sent their applications and will have been received a couple of days late. Can you please let me know if this is going to be the case as I have still not yet received the straightners? Thanks

Therese Renfrew

After four ASDA shop visits and seven phone calls to said stores,
there is still no sign of any "FREE STRAIGHTENERS" they are either "Just out of stock" or "Have not yet received their allocated consignment.
This has left me with the option of sending for my supposed to be FREE straighteners by post,which is now obviously too late.
This also means extra cost at my expence for the posting and packing. This has all been very distressing.


Hi fabulous, i love your mag and buy it every week, but i am getting a bit angry with the fasion shoots. Why are you only using models with the figures of prepubescent boys? the clothes would look much better on women with boobs and bums that us normal girls can relate to. i would love to see some normal shaped women in the mag. xxx


Thank you for your sunny and uplifting 'Think yourself thin' article! The fat trap thoughts were spot-on, I really identified with them - so often advice concerned with losing weight makes me feel I need a lifestyle overhaul to get on track but these changes are so easy to make. I am already putting them into practice and they've made me feel strong and positive about leaving the chocolate and biscuits to one side - not deprived!!

La Verne Phongphun

About two months ago you had addvertised a free hair cut with The hair group i filled in the form and sent it back to you and havent heard anything back yet could you please tell me whats happening

Carrie Hynes

I am absolutely LOVING 'Fabulous' - aka Fab Mag! I have changed which sunday newspaper I can buy as, in my opinion, it offers everything all the so-called glossy mags offer - and then some. The only thing I miss is the Toxic Bachelor's page - it read like a male version of Bridget Jones, made me understand my man a bit better and was soooooo funny because he is absolutely truthful! I like the idea of him and Tantric writing the Mars/Venus viewpoints to problems but please bring back his weekly page too instead of the celebrity drawing expert (or as well as??). Could you pitch the idea to him of maybe writing a book, or publishing a collection of his previous pages?? Keep up the good work guys - Sundays just became my fave day of the wk!!

Dawn Fry

Well, So disappointed, Its Mothers Day but it would seem your magazine only has mothers who give birth to daughters! What about those of us who have sons!

I have three boys 16,21 and 23. They are all very close to me and I love them to bits.

I just felt your Mothers Day issue was very one sided. I haven't got daughter but you can get just as much love and rewards from your SONS.

I have suffered recently with my health and they all rallied around to make sure I was ok, even from the other side the world. (one was in the carribean)

So please, next year, try to show that sons (famous or not) can love their mums just as much as their daughters can.

Cheryl Simmons

I read the piece on losing your job and found this lifted my spirits. I was recently made redundant and have lost my confidence. The two girls story and the tips from Steve Miller gave me a reason to feel more optomistic. I will also buy Steve's book because it sounds like its full of practical advice.

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