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Fabulous Issue 58 - tell us what you think

Tell us what you think about the latest issue of Fabulous Magazine - free with the News of the World every Sunday    



There was a pair of shoes in one of the fabulous mags but I can't remember what week! i have a pic of them so if I could send it to someone maybe they could help I was trying to contact the website team directly but the 'contact us' link doesn't actually exist anymore...

mrs smith

dear mag
I have been to wigan asda for two sundays now to get my free straighteners, last sunday i was told they had all gone, and to come back to day early, so i went this morning at 10 30am to be told they was not getting any more, but the tokens are in again this week in the mag, will asda in wigan get any more in are, as it is not very often that you get some thing like that free. thankyou


i am sick of celeb mums who are so worry about that half a pound extra they need to loose after having a child all got wash board stomachs. i want to hold em down & force feed em lard, what made me laugh the other week myleen klass the other day rabbiting on about her curves i am looking at her & thinking where? she is stick thin got the lolly pop look down to a tee, she needs a sausage bap rammed down her throat.
they are all the same, every magazine every paper week in week out, not one of em have got a fat belly god for bid they do. i love my flab that i still carry around after having my son & it can bloody well stay there, my husband dont want me to diet, i think he'd leave me if i did.


Hi pink

You are the best singer. I love "so what". When you sing the chourus i join in you are the best singer!!!!!!!


I think that its awesum az like readin it lots.njoy lots.


i love it so much it brighten up my sunday i cant wait till it comes i spend hours in a stance reading it and none of my family get to haha ive kept all the copies and have followed it since the beginning thakyou for making my sundays worthwhile i loved it this week lady gaga is my idol shes sucha big star in such little time please put this on the magasine then i would definaltly keep it thankyou.


I response to Cheryl's post below: Fortunately for you, you didn't catch an STI or have a preganancy scare, but many do. What 'don't have sex' argument are you referring to when you say that it isn't working? The only message that seems to be prevalent right now is that of 'have sex when you're ready but don't forget to use a condom', and it's this message that most certainly isn't working.


Loved the issue especially the interview with Lady Gaga shes massive at the moment and not enough magazines in the UK are following her. Well done


in response to Emily's letter about singer September's 'curves'. she may have only gone from a size 0 to a uk size 6 but there are many women out there who are (believe it or not) a natural size 6. i myself are one of them and also know a couple of other girls who would love to be able to put a few pounds on. so yes going up to a size 6 would make you 'feel' curvier even if you dont look it! why is it woman feel they can critise other women if they look to skinny but not the other way round? no wonder so many young girls are confused about their body image!


Whilst I applaud the teens who will be waiting until they are married before they lose their virginity, I do feel they give across the wrong message that if you have sex before marriage you WILL become a teenage pregnancy/STI statistic and this just isn't true.

I am now a happily married mother but in my younger years I had several sexual relationships/encounters but never once had a pregnancy scare or caught an STI.

It is possible to have sexual relationships without becoming these statistics and I think this sensible and educated approach is what needs to be drummed into teenagers today rather than keep pushing the same 'don't have sex' argument which clearly isn't working.

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