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Are you a yummy mummy?

Do gorgeous celebrity mums make you feel pressured? Is it possible to juggle a career and a family?



celebrity moms have the money to provide on tap child care such as live in nannies how realistic would it be for most people to be able to jet off to another country for the week end or go for a run with a personal trainer at the drop of a hat. I dont think juggling career and family is an issue for a celebrity it is only an issue for real people with normal life styles and the truth is it will always be a juggling act. I believe that you should be as reliable as you can when you are a working mom but look at the bigger picture, you can always be made redundant from your job no matter how important you think you are to your employer but you can never be made redundant from being a mother its about time woman stopped beating themselves up and the role of mother gets the recognition that it deserves and society acknowledge how important it is

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