Fabulous Issue 48 - tell us what you think
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Tell us what you think about the latest issue of Fabulous Magazine - free with the News of the World every Sunday
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I read your article called Gym Yummy and liked the green adidas top that you said could be found on the adidas website but it is nowhere to be found?
Posted by: Paula Causer | 2009.01.19 at 05:23 PM
you had an article in issue 48 titled gym yummy,on these pages were gym clothes,i wanted to find a green Adidas top on your model it says Adidas.com,but when i went to the web site i couldnt find this top on it. please do you know where i could find one?
Posted by: kim | 2009.01.12 at 02:26 PM
I would just like to say i love reading fabulous every week as it has so many amazing and inspiring articles. I also love looking at the fashion pages as i feel i can adapt the new fashions to fit in with my style.
Just like to say:
Letitia's Mean Moves actually feel as if they work. I have been doing them since sunday and already i feel so much better THANKYOU
Posted by: Hannah | 2009.01.06 at 11:05 PM
I've been stuck in a beauty rut for too long - so I'm going to follow your advice and streamline my make-up bag. Any excuse to go shopping!
Posted by: Carla | 2009.01.06 at 11:21 AM
I can't believe how much I identify with Maxine. My weight is completely ruled by my relationships – I start dating someone and can't eat a morsel because I feel sick with butterflies; I start properly seeing someone and I pile on the weight because we eat out all the time and I start having the same portion sizes as my man! I have taken comfort in the fact that us women are all the same!
Posted by: Liz | 2009.01.06 at 11:13 AM
Maria needs to learn to chill out - she can still exercise while pregnant and she would have an amazing reward at the end
Posted by: Frankie | 2009.01.06 at 11:13 AM
Love reading Fabulous every week and especially liked the Claire Young feature, she looks brilliant. Really love both of the dresses she is wearing, please can anyone let me know where they are from? x
Posted by: Lucy | 2009.01.05 at 02:59 PM
I was interested in your gym fashion page this week and have been trying to find the Adidas green gym top on the Adidas website. I have searched their website and cannot find it anywhere. Can you give me any more information as to where I can buy this top.
Mnay Thanks.
Posted by: Kristi James | 2009.01.04 at 10:56 PM
Love the feature about claire young, she looks fantastic. please tell me where I can purchase the dressess that she is wearing they are beautiful.
Posted by: jjp | 2009.01.04 at 10:55 PM
I really enjoy reading the magazine every week, and iam picking up a lot of tips to make 2009 a healthier year for me. Claire Young looks fantastic. Please tell me where i can get the fabulous dresses she is wearing.
Posted by: leanne stephenson | 2009.01.04 at 01:29 PM