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Age Gap

Have you ever been in a relationship where there was a significant age gap? Do you think age really matters when two people are in love? Would it influence your decision about having children? Do you think your friends and family would mind?



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Ann Marie Lynch

Well guys, I'm 32 and I have been with my partner Tony for 12 years, We semi-live together although we're not married legally, we are physically and emotionally and yes we would like to settle down but the way things are in the recession with people losing their jobs and his is under threat.

He provides for me physically, emotionally and financially and yer I am only with him for his money and his estate and we do have a strong emotional and a physical connection.

Age should not be an issue. If two people are in love and they like each other and are happy then so be it.


I am in a relationship with a man 18 years older than me. I am similar age to this Cassey girl. I have seen guys my age but they were rude, dishonest and immature. I have known this man in my life for over three years now, and for the first two years we grow so close, and were just business associates. However, after this time we finally told the other how much we loved them... after suppressing our feeilngs for so long. Of course we got loads of hassle, my former best friend was verbally abusing him down the phone, a male friend of mine kept trying to get me to cheat on him (which of course didn't happen)and everybody was talking about me. It was gossip, and it was very hurtful. I actually terminated the break up for a month or so due to the abuse I was receieving on the street, but I was so miserable without him it felt like a part ofme was missing. Now we have been happily together for nearly 16 months and countng, and I have never been happier. We understand each other, we make each other laugh, and I don't just love HIM, there are just so many different aspects of him I adore, and so I just couldn't imagine life without him. People say it wouldn't last, but we haven't had a single row (of course we disagree about things but choose to talk them through together) and we are still goimg strong. he is so respectful, loving and I would NEVER be so stupid as to risk losing him... and I am so angry that the judgement of society almost led me to lose someone so precious to me.
I stress to all those out there in a similar position....follow your heart. True love really has no boundaries. If someone makes you unbelievably happy, that can only be a good thing.

It's similar to that gay military guy who got an award for killing 12 people or so while in battle. He later got a dishonourabl discharge when they found out he was gay. On his tombstone, he put "what is this world? Rewarded for killing 12 men...punished for loving one".
iT'S A similar principle.


I'd like to congratulate the happy couple, they seem like a great match whatever their age. :)


I was married to a guy 22 yrs older than me for 23 yrs. I was 24 & he 46 when we met. It was my 2nd marriage. My first, I married a guy only 4 yrs older & it only lasted 10 months ....


I Think that what they have done is amazing. I'm currently in an 11 month relationship in which there is 23 years difference between us, it's hard at times but if you're in love then surely it doesn't make any difference. Love makes the world go round so who are we to judge who people fall in love with? Even though i am slightly younger than the women that posted the story i am still thoroughly in love with my boy(man)friend and i truely feel that i wish to spend the rest of my life with him. If people have a problem with that then i can't do anything about it but just think of those celebs such as Rod Stewert who are happily married with an age differnce. Look at the brighter picture before destroying the art work.


If they've found love - who are we to judge? Age gap or not, true love is rare enough as it is.

A few close family members of mine have found love with partners that are either ten or so years younger or older - and they are as happy as can be!

But...I do feel I am overly concerned when I see someone under the age of 25 with someone older than 45 - that's just edging on something that psychologists would have a field day with!

If my children ended up with partners, and they were lovely people, they would be welcomed into the family - so long as the age gap wasn't too big!


i think its kool coz all my life i have been in arelationship with aguy who is jst ayear older,trust me its hard because its from one fight to another.i think if i had an older man there would be that mutual respect due to the fact that he wld be older.
cheers to them


if their happy then they should be left in peace to live as they see fit. I,m 32 and my partner, who is the father of my 14 year old son is 50. We plan to get married next year and we are we are extremely happy as is our son.He has benefited so much from having 2 parents who come from completely different decades!.By the time i met my man he had done all his boys nights out and also was in a position to provide for us both financially and emotionally.My man is proud of his young family and has looked after us well, we compliment each other so well, i keep him young! I reackon every girl should have an older boyfriend at least once, they,ll learn so much, not just about men but also about themselves.


i am currently with someone who is 25 years older than me and we been 2gether for 5 years almost so it prooves it does work out


If it's alright for pop stars and film stars to have much younger partners. Why not joe bloggs?

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