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Katy Brand

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i agree with angela smith,
angela i tottaly agree wiv yeww :P
they should not look up to druggy's!!!!!!!

Angela Smith

I agree with Katy's barbie must die article but I have to say some of the role models young girls look up to now is far worse than barbie, people like Paris Hilton, Lidsay Lohan and Britney for instance or even Amy Winehouse. Plus it seems like the only ambition a lot of young girls have anymore is to be a z list celebrity or a footballers wife!


I would just like to say that after reading Katy's coloum I was in hysterics! Katy Brand I must say that you are awesome! I agree with everything in this coloum from the terrible role models to worrying about the shape of my pubic hair! hahaha! Although I must admit its amazing how many guys I talk to and they say that they would rather have a woman with curves and a big bottom than a thin woman. This coloum is going to keep me smiling all week!! Your a great comedienne and I love your open, down to earth attitude!!! Keep it up guys!!


hey there ,
i would just like to say katy brand is sooooo right i mean come on does anyone actually know who these people are? Its our kids that make them famous by adoreing them and following in there footsteps.Lets have fun and not care about what we look like you should love your body and yourself.Half of these womedn are only famous for being somebody's girlfreind for pete's sake.Katy i would like to say your a great commidienne.If anyone agree's with this then dont be afraid to tell people because people deserve to know these things!!!...BARBIE MUST DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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