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What do you think of Natasha’s story?

Have you overcome a violent past? Are you a fan of Britain’s Next Top Model?



I agree with Noora! Lets concentrate at the task at hand and lift your self instead of running down other people. move on im sure they have. show them they can not hold u back! Stay strong.



I find Natasha an inspiration she's lived a lifetime in such a short time and still has the get up and go to work harder and educate herself. A strong black positive role model if ever there was one, good luck in all you do I'm sure she'll succeed but hasn't she already.


I was physically and mentally abused as a child, I was with with foster parents for several years then spent years in a childrens home. I had to look after 4 children (my siblings) on my own for about 2 weeks and I was only bout 8/9 yrs old the other kids were around 2-5 yrs old. we lived in feaces/crap as I was unable to clean up the other kids properly. We had no food, I had to go to local shops and steal food as I had no money. When I was finally taken to a chldrens home I was covered from head to toe in bruises and my step father forced me and my younger brother to beat each other up using boxing gloves for his enjoyment until we were bleeding and if we didnt do it he would belt up up with a leather strap. I am now living in Australia, run my own business and I am happily married with 3 children. It makes my skin crawl when people have done something wrong and blame their childhood upbringing for making them the way they are, the truth is that they have a choice their victims dont



Please Natasha do not turn this into another X-Factor thingy with your sad past. I salute you for your bravery but let's focus on you winning the title, then you can tell us everything. Good luck!

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