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Would you have secret surgery?

Can a nip/tuck really cure a lack of confidence? Is honesty vital to a relationship



I think that if you have secret surgery then you could lose everything,it happened to me before and it will never happen again.

elizabeth johnson

i have just had a tummy tuck 2 weeks ago, and what a difference! even though im still swollen, it looks absolutely great, i would definately recomment it. I was petrified just before the operation because it is classed as major surgery ! i was frightened of the pain afterwards, but i neednt have been i didnt feel a thing. cant wait to buy loads of new bakinis for my summer holiday, cos now i look and feel great.

susan bartholomew

i too would have surgery if i could afford i have even applied to the make over shows i would really love liposuction and a tummy tuck i am happy with the rest of my body an do not want to lose weight anywhere else except for the stomach area i have also considered a loan to get it done but i know my husband would not let me only if i won the lottery i really gets me down


Yes i would as i have major body hang ups, as a male. It'd be either lyposuction or a gastric band as i have a beer belly & man boobs despite dieting & slowly losing weight. When i was thin, i oozed confidence but now, i lack it due to said body issues. One day i maybe that confident again....

Ken Wallace

I would definately have surgery, most men are such wimps but complain about their bodies or faces starting to sag. If I could afford or be offered FREE surgery in return for 'before and after' pics along with an article, I would jump at it in a second. I've already had line fillers done and it changed my life.

Samantha Russo

I would definately have secret surgery.....
My ex-boyfriend beat me up and broke my nose - which I never had repaired.
Nobody ever notices it really - they just think its a little scar at the top of my nose - but it cripples me inside - I CAN NOTICE it in photos and in the mirror everyday .......
I WANT MY NOSE FIXED - - because also I have never snored in my life until he hit me.
Im trying at the moment to get it on NHS failing that Im going to come up with some plan to have it done - because I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO self-concious about it.
Another thing - a very good friend of mine (who is more like a mother to me) said to me not so long ago "you know Sam, you are soooo pretty, beautiful eyes, amazing skin lovely smile - its just your NOSE that ruins your face" and she didnt mean to be horrible or hurt me - but since then I have been adament to get my nose done..........
So, YES YES YES to secret surgery IF it is for the right reasons........

kath finch

yeah i would definately have cosmetic surgery, im 50 and feel that my body now needs a bit of help, if i had the money id like a breast uplift, lipo and a tummy tuck, ill have to win the lottery, ha ha

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