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Do you think the celebrities look better before or after their body makeovers?

Were you surprised by their reactions? What would be your ideal body or are you quite happy with your figure?



i think they looked nice before they had all the surgery now they look to plastic ! they are encouriging young women and men to change the way they look i think this is appauling !

Danni Levy

As a model and model agent, I look at airbrushed images all day every day. Yes, your celebs do look better after airbrushing, but the fact is it's misleading and unrealistic. If you study these images carefully you'll notice the main improvement is not actually body shape, but the matt-like, even skin tone. Nobody looks plastic and nobody ever will, no matter how much surgery they have. I think these 3 celebs looked great before and should be happy with their natural figures.

Helen Smith

I have always been quite happy with my figure, but given the chance I, too, would make some big changes. I'd have a flat tummy, smaller thighs and long skinny legs, so I can completely understand all of the changes each of the celebs made.

They all look great before the airbrushing make over, but the problem isn't with their bodies, but more with how they feel about their bodies. Maybe we need to love what we've got and change our view of "the body beautiful' instead.


i think they look better before the body makeover, women these days have too much to live up to as it is with trying to look 'perfect' like celebs let alone trying to look like an 'airbrushed' picture. we want to see the real them!! They look great as they are.


I think all that this is doing, is to make the celebs even more self conscious about what they hate about themselves.I know i have lots of things i hate about myself, and to be shown what i dream of looking like,but know never can,surely isn't a good thing.It would make me feel even more depressed.

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