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Do women have it tough?

Do you think men realise how much pain women go through to look good? Is it worth it?



Well woman do have it tought we get cramp (Periods) have 2 give birth and do the house work look after the children so yes i do think we do have a it tought so well done 2 all the women who goes through this xx


Yes women have it tough!!! Not only do we have the majority (if not all) of the child rearing to cope with, we have the housework, finances and the caring of the older member of the family. On top this we are also expected to work and look like MILF's! all i can say is this is still a lazy man's world and i wish i had been born male.


This made me cry with laughter! It's about time men realised just what we women have to go through and appreciated it.


i could do a better job than that i bet its not hard being a woman at all so if any one wants i will do it for two days bring it on

R Glynn

No I think women have it made they should try shaving every day. At least they have better choice of dress which is easy to wear.


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