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Did an alcoholic parent affect your childhood?

Do you drink when your children are at school or when they've gone to bed? Do you worry you drink too much - how much is too much?


Emma Doyle

My Dad is an alcoholic and it effected my childhood greatly and it now continues to effect my adult life too. At his best he was a funny, caring helpful parent, at his worst he was verbally abusive, unpredictable, scary and selfish. His drinking effected my sister, mother and I hugely in all aspects of our lives I dont think people understand the huge impact it has on the family. My childhood made me who I am today a happy strong person, unfortunatly at the age of 28 I have lost my Dad to drink! ( although still living, he is not the dad i loved ) Its very sad.


I was brought up with a an alcoholic parent and domestic violence . it effects children hugely people think children are blind to this but they are not no matter how young.. You never forget those days i am thirty this year and it still lingers in my mind. I am just glad i have grown up not drinking and my children wont ever go through what i did.

Samantha moore

I am amazed at how many mothers drink whilst bringing up children!During my childhood it was my dad he woud pick me and my 2 siblings up from school absolutely hammered and then take us back to the pub were he had spent his day.To me we got in the way of what he wanted to which i think is selfish as we would get all his creepy mates who were extremely drunk saying horrible things to us whilst he carried on playing bandits and drinking.Often at nights we would wait up for him to come home and my mum would cry all the time and try and get us to bed but we needed to make sure he was safe, is that how it should be children looking after there parents? it is appalling!When my mum finally left my dad after suffering for 9 years it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off the families shoulders for me but everybody turned against her which i can't understand!If anyone is reading this who did turn against my mum you weren't there so who are you to judge.

Hayley Collyer

I was raised by an alcoholic mother until I was 11 years old. I am mow 34. Myself and my 2 sisters were beaten daily, neglected, abused and unfed through out our childhoods. My eldest sister died 4 years ago due to drugs and alcohol abuse as she was the one who was dished the worst abuse. She simply could not take the pain any more. I have no sympathy with women, or men, drinking when they have the responsibilty of a child. I am a mother myself of an eleven year old boy and has made me less understanding to why mothers drink. That woman was not a mother at all, and she ruined mine and my sisters childhoods. I have been plaughed with depression all my life but am still a good mum who does not drink!!

Joanne Tierney

My mum used to drink very day. I used to meet her in the pub after school and then help carry her home, a couple of times she passed out and sometimes she'd get violent. I'm 24 now and realised that my mum was lonely and very distressed with her life - now were best friends and she has apologised numerous times for her behaviour, but my childhood made me who I am today. I'm happily married with a good job, I do drink. I understand the stresses that my mum was under and why she turned to drink. I don't blame her for it one little bit!!!!

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