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Fabulous Issue 47 - tell us what you think

Tell us what you think about the latest issue of Fabulous Magazine - free with the News of the World every Sunday


geraldine anderson

can you please tell me where denise van outen got her lovely shoes from and where fearne got her silver dress from




I don't agree with T&T's answer to the girl went home with her work colleague. She should tell her boyfriend – and split up with him at the same time – because she wouldn't have gone home with her work mate if she truly loved her partner.


I really wanted an alternative to the usual stodgy pudding this year - and Jamie's recipe for a meringue-style one was brilliant. It was easy to make and tasted delicious.


This feature really made me chuckle and I have now decided it's about time my inner bitch made an appearance. I will no longer allow people to push in front of me in queues, be surly to me in shops or push me on the Tube. Watch out world!


I loved releasing my inner bitch - but I'm not sure people "appreciated my honesty" as author John Parkin told me they would!


Fed up with being jostled and stamped on in the sales, I released my inner bitch – and it felt soooooo good! I've now made it a New Year's resolution to speak my mind more often.

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