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Love? I’m marrying for his millions

Is Judy a gold-digger or simply securing her future? Would you marry for money? Or is love much more important to you? Should money be a factor in a relationship?




Unfortunately women like Judy do bag the rich men, have the children and then are awarded compensation in court when they divorce. She is very likely to move onto the next rich idiot who comes their way - probably have another child and go through the same process again with a little more knowledge of the court system gaining even more money!! This isn't the flaw of Judy per say but the problems with our society!! Whilst Judy is likely to have a life of luxury - her children will be brought up in a broken home - probably used as pawns between their parents and will have to make sense of it all. Judy think very carefully what you are willing to put your childen through as it is them who are going to suffer with this sort of decision you make now!!


I've been working really hard this last week so I've only just found the time to catch up on Issue 40. I certainly admire this lady's honesty - I mean, what girl doesn't want to find herself a rich man?! And right now I would much rather be spending my evenings at the Dorchester than at my desk! But what an unfulfilled life she must have spending all of her time and resources trying to find a man with stacks of cash. It may be easy to make oneself feel better with material things and manicured nails, but I hope she won't regret not spending her youth in a more worthwile manner.


What I think the saddest thing about this article is how this young lady will never actually find happiness.
She's 22 and only been in love once because she 'allowed' herself to fall for a penniless student.
"The best things in life are free", didn't her 'high aiming' mother ever teach her that. She'll probably walk right past her soulmate because he'll not be wearing an expensive enough watch or suit and I think that's sad. I feel sorry for her.
Money can really bring out the worst in people, doesn't this articule represent that?


Judy is no catch, let's be frank! What does she think she has to attract a rich, handsome guy? Sorry love, I have a decent stack and can always do a lot better.


You are so despicable Judy Liu! How could you degrading yourself by targeting a rich multi-millionaire for his bank account, when you could have used your talent to make your own money?! Don't you have no shame at all? I'd rather to have a good loving loyal husband than his bank account.
you know..it's nothing wrong to raise high expectations but I wouldn't go that high if I were you, otherwise you might fall into a very deep dark pit. Don't you think that a handsome, eligbile multi millionaire would be taken by now by some beautiful respectable highly educated girls? I mean you've got a brain but you haven't got a look dear.
You know, I used to work hard with 3 odd jobs just to pay for my education fees and I am sooooo proud to be what I am today-with 8 languages skills in my hand, without having to ask for a single penny from my parents!!
hmm..so your mother taught you to aim high huh? well, mine taught me to aim high too, but in a very respectable way. She taught me how to respect myself by not giving myself away so easily, that I should live with honesty,upright and live to my own values and standards, that love is the most beautiful thing in the world and nothing could buy it EVEN with money.
I do not know your mother, but from what you've said in this article...all I can say is that ...like mother like daughter!!
And listen Judy. Since you don't want to work, why not use these precious free time doing something more meaningful for this country?..like going to visit the elderly, the lonely, the sick or do some voluntary work? I am sure there's plenty of work for you to do rather than to go to all sorts of bars to hunt on multi millionaires, because you're just wasting you time. Multi millionaire men wouldn't want girls like you for sure.


I feel that Judy Liu would have an extremely unfulfilling and frustrating existence as a 'trophy wife'. Although she would have as much money as she liked, she would not be entitled to discuss her feelings, opinions or have a moan as to how horrible her day has been. Additionally, it's all very well hanging out at the Ritz two or three times a week to 'bag' herself a suitable man, but most wealthy men will be aiming to make their next million in a work/corporate environment and not necessarily at the equivilent of an upmarket tea-room.


I think with out make up and if she is virgin no problem! myself I had a girl friend from Hong Kong she was a milioner which is I didn't know because she never told me but she wasn't virgin and she was 7 years older than me, I live in UK I meet her in England, lots of time I asked her to marry me befor she tel me her story she want it to marry me in UK but not in China or Hong kong because she wanted to get british pasport! I moved to china with her as she rquested and she spend lots of money for me but I was miserable because she was very selfish! she only care abour her self and her money (I loved her) I changed ever things for her! I even gave up my ediocation in Uoni! and my live in UK, but she didn't care she told me she will never change for me, and she was secretly seeing her ex husband and other ex!!! that is why I came back to UK and end my relationship with her and she will never have a man like me as she used to call me original man she told me I am very honest and she said I am to much because I love her so much!!!! 3 years after this saparation I am still single and I work like a slave but in some way I am happy and some how I am alive,

Claire Ryan

I was shocked at how low somebody could stoop for an easy life, yet how high 'Judy', actually rates herself. She is no better than a wannabe high class hooker, and we already have enough wannabe WAGS and Gold-Diggers out there as it is.
Yes we all have dreams, but this girl needs a reality check, very quickly. What 'good looking multi millionaire do you expect, to really be interested in keeping a woman on grounds of sex and convenience', because that is all it will be? Don't you think all these GOOD LOOKING! eligible bachelors will be taken by now, by respectful women who actually love them, for themselves and not their wallet?
Really girl, you need to get out there, get a job and make your own money. There is nothing wrong with raising your expectations higher, but this is a cheap way of doing it. You need to reverse the saying in 'money can't buy you love'. It's true, relationships don't come in contract form, but then again there is always hope for you, in the saying 'There is no fool like an old fool', and beggars can't be choosers, hey?


Shame on you, Judy. Look how far the suffragettes have taken us!! It must be awful to have such a shallow view of relationships. Even rich men have feelings, my dear, and they will soon see through your thin veil of an act. You are obviously bright - why not use your talent to make your own money? Its far more satisfying, and will have greater longevity than a sham relationship with a man who will drop you at the sniff of a younger, prettier model.Good luck with your hunt now, sweetheart. I'm sure the men will be flocking around you now they know your real motives!


I fear that She gives all women a bad name. What has happened to equality..why should a man have to pay for everything?!

I think it's a shame that she may pass on her 'values' to a daughter and give her the impression that the only goal worth aiming for is to be some trophy wife for a sugar daddy.

I didn't want to get catty but her parents paying her rent -WTF?! Although I can imagine the conversation:
"Mummy, Daddy buy me a flat or I'll live with you forever!"
(Mummy, Daddy): "Here's a blank cheque darling."


oh my goodness me! she is so outragous! I feel sorry for any man that marries her.
Judy Lui, maybe you've got a brain but you are not attrative my dear...so don't forget that! There are millions of other beautiful and highly educated rich girl out there and I'm sure, if I compare you to them..you're not even fit to clean their shoes!
well, goodluck with your finding that rich Mr Right, though I doubt very much if you could find one.
One last comment. I do feel sorry for you for being such a spoilt gold digger.
Thank you.


i think its sad that she feels like she needs money more than a decent relationship. I am 25 and have recently got married. i was dating my husband for 4 years before we got married 2 of those we have lived together. I love him very much, he has a fairly decent job that is secure for the time being and i work aswell although i am now due to be made redundant, but this hasn't concerned us as we just need to tighten our belts and we'll get through this. I have always dreamed of children before i'm 30 and am hoping for this, however nature can be cruel sometimes and you can't really put an age on when your bodies ready to have children. As for her comment about "children before i'm 25 so i'm not an older mom" well unfortunately at 25 you are an older mom as a lot of people have children in their early 20's, which is far enough if your mentally ready to cope with a child. Personally i wasn't ready at that age. I was bought up in a normal 2 parent family where my dad worked all hours to pay the bills, we weren't rich but we never went hungry and me and my sister always had great birthday and christmas presents and are very loved by our parents. Maybe it's different for people who have come from money to want to marry money but it seems very self centred and foolish. Money doesn't make the world go round but love is very important. However if she wants to loath her husband and be in an unloving relationship good luck to her! At the end of the day i'm not surprised previous men she's dated have asked for "a kiss" on the first date, from the way her advert is worded i think most men would jump to the conclusion that she is willing to have gifts and be paid for sex!


To be honest, I think this girl is a bit of a loser. She seems to spend so much time finding a rich husband that she doesn't know how to have fun. She came across as arrogant and a bit self obsessed. She is a nice looking girl so I have no doubt that she'll snag a rich man who's looking for a trophy wife, but for someone who lunches at the Ritz, her life seems completely empty and totally boring. I'd much rather have pizza at Bierhall with a poor, scruffy, nice boy anyday. And I hope next time she meets her ex, he's a multi billionaire who snubs her.

martin swash

Maybe she should try working for a living instead like men have to do, DISGUSTING WOMAN !


omg, she chinese! she giving us bad name! she got brain, why cant she work and earn money instead of looking for Mr Money?! yes money give u all the chanel and gucci but love doesnt make u feel empty and lonely. god i cant stand people like her, miss gold digga!


What a shallow, fake, self-absorbed girl. She clearly lives in a fake world and has no idea of real life. She will probably get her money man, but will she be truly happy?


omg!! That is so stupid! Im surised she even gets boys.

Alison Randall

This girl may think she is different from other gold diggers by being up front about what she wants. She sounds like a spoilt brat. Ok, she may be intelligent but if she's that clever then why doesn't she get herself a job and earn her own money??


What a golddigger!! Any man foolish enough to involve himself in a realtionship with this truly spoilt female, deserves a public whipping. Is she for real? With the recent credit crunch hitting families across the world and all she seems to care about is her designer clothes and afternoon teas. Take a reality check Judy Liu, you are nothing special!! You're certainly not that attractive and as for being a great mother, you would be no role model for a daughter and I would feel extremely sorry for any sons you may produce. How would you feel if some money hungry woman married him for his bank balance?


of corce she is! you know when you have found true love its not something you search for on a poster!


It is Judy choice ,at least she honest.
As an independent woman I feel it can only be an asset to have a wealthy man.


Lowest of the low

She is nothing special. Like to see what she looks like without her make up. Anyone can not work and just spend time reading newspapers. After doing her phd and having a good time at university just doesn't want to work for a living and sponge off someone else. Even a common criminal or prostitute selling her body have to put some effort into their careers.


JUDY LIU is the worst sort of woman! I have worked myself very wealthy having all the things she requests and more. Women like JUDY I meet all the time, they think that they was born more attractive and have “something” more than a woman that has stood by your side through THICK and THIN helping you to gain your wealth. See needs to UNDERSTAND that a good wife is not someone who just spends your money on herself also, marriage is something that should be for love! She is just another GOLD DIGGER trying to live like Victoria Beckham but she should remember that Victoria and her husband WORKED FOR THEIR MONEY!!!!!!!! And being someone’s SEX TOY is not a JOB!!


She's dumb. She'll lose her looks with age; he'll get richer with age. This makes a superficial bimbo less attractive, and a wealthy man more attractive. Western wealthy men are moving beyond trophy wives towards Alpha Wives with a good education and career, even if they do stop work after marriage.

She's not a good conversationalist.

She's woefully unintelligent: can you imagine a man marrying a woman knowing she's only after his money?! Oh, and she doesn't want him thinking he owns her!


what a horrible horrible girl!

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