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Diet drugs

How far have you gone to lose weight? Would you consider taking diet pills? Do you think about the possible long-term damage they could do?




I’ve tried taking slimming pills before and, although I was lucky and didn’t suffer any bad side-effects, I didn’t find them very effective either. I lost a stone in a month, but when I stopped taking them the weight went back on again. I wouldn’t recommend them to anyone – it’s miserable, but exercising and eating less will work better.


I totally sympathise with anyone who wants to lose weight, as I know what a battle it can be, but there has to be a point where you draw the line. And I think slimming pills cross that line. It is never worth putting your health in danger just to achieve the perfect body.


i have tried pills, i have tried starving myself i thought about cutting away at my stomach, and then thought you know the doctors would then finish me off, i have stuck my fingers down my throat to the point i have damaged my stomach and the base of my throat, have considered gastric band( to expensive) plus they wouldn't do it due to the damage to the base of my throat/stomach,and had thoughts (which are so stupid it's rediculous) you know maybe i could get an illness that would make me lose weight but not be deadly(how sad is that) i know these pills are rubbish but you live in hope, i'm not happy with my appearence and it's caused so many problems at home, i wont let my hubby touch me, i don't want him to feel all this fat, i try and eat healthy, don't eat fried food stomache can't take it i drink loads of water eat fruit and vegg.....so what do i do!!!!! why cant we have real size women in these foto shoots, and i mean size 16 up, there are so many of us, the more i see these stick insects as models the more depressed i get the more i eat, i wish there was a quick ficks but after 11 years of up and down weight i have had enough, isn't it time we said" this is me, accept me as i am" i have learnt that life is to short, i want to enjoy my kids but also want to enjoy my life,i just dont know what to do, have been to the gym i need motivation and will power loads of will power and just don't know where to get it from, but who says size 0 is right....and i'm game if theres any sort of treatment that you need a gunepig for!!

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