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Topless model

What do you think of Claire’s decision? Would you be prepared go topless to fund something important in your life? Does the fact Claire uses the publicity she gets to help a charity change your opinion at all?




hello everyone, I am Cathrine. I'm new here and I just wanted to say hello to everyone, I've actually been reading a lot of posts on this forum for a while but this is my first post here :)

Mrs Brooks

Go Claire, with your looks and brains you will go far and I really admire you for getting out there and following your dream.

derek crinson

well done claire.......best of luck and i wish u the utmost of success.......youve got the looks so u run with it girl.............BRAINS BEAUTY.....AND A SUNDERLAND SUPPORTER.....................there is agod lol

Jane Russell

Go for it girl you are beautiful. You can always use your
degree later when your looks are gone.I was once a page 3 girl in the seventies i dont regret it. I was also bullied at school they are just jealous.My mum also had breast cancer at 59 years old, but shes still here at 92 years.GOOD LUCK

Rhys Jaggar

I did a PhD in biochemistry (ish) and it half killed me. My lifetime cancer risk went up at least 3 fold as a result. My field of study? Cancer research.......

Full of neglect, back-biting bitchery, feelings of utter futility and uselessness. All for having followed the education system logically and therefore having gaps in skills due to inappropriate education systems.

I went aged 25 to work in a ski resort, as my body wouldn't have interested any glamour mag! The difference in human treatment was immense. I felt good about myself again within weeks.

Before all you non-scientists get dreams of 'wonderland', just remember: there are just as many ***** in academia as anywhere else. No more, no less.

So don't go putting it on a pedestal. It is what it is. For some, not for others.

Good decision, girl!

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