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Has your quest for the perfect body almost killed you? Can you understand why Christie started to self-harm as a form of release? Do you think Christie really wanted to commit suicide or was it a cry for help? Why is there this intense amount of pressure on women to be slim?



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Hi, the other day i found a way of finding the perfect skin tone, now, all you really need to have is johnsens powder and baby wipes. THATS IT!

1. First take your powder and pour it in the places on your body where you want an even skin tone.

2. Then rub it in, but not too hard you dont want a rash now do you.

3. Once its rubbed in just take your wipe and then wipe up the powder on your body and walla. You should have a perfectly glowing skin tone!

regan mcgimpsey

hi fabulous...i think the people who are self harming themselves aint just harming themselves but are harming other people around them expessially like close relatives i am 14 years old and i think selfharming myself would be right out of the question i would never self harm myself but i have got friends who do it and it upsets me becausei think to myself that one day they are gonna do it to much that they will pass away at a very young age and wont be able to live there lives or if they have children there children will turn out like there mother SELFHARMING YOURSELF IS BAD DONT DO IT PEOPLE YOUR BETTER THAN THAT .


Rowan said

"if people want to self harm then leave them to it and dont publicise it. its not our problem."

If everyone had that attitude about everything that is harmful (drugs, alcohol etc) no-one would ever get any help and everyone with any kind of a problem would feel like an isolated freak


if people want to self harm then leave them to it and dont publicise it. its not our problem.

Hilda Kwafo-Akoto

I believe that Christie began self-harming because she had reached her lowest ebb. She is obviously very image concious and found it difficult to cope with her weight gain as well as her crumbling relationship with her boyfriend at the time and the father of her son. Self-harming is a cry for help, people who hurt themselves as a way to release the pain and anguish they feel and ease their inner turmoil need love from those who care about them and the support of counsellors and those who have sel-harmed in the past. The media has played and continues to play a major role in diminishing a women's self-worth through creating a unrealsitic and fake image of the ideal women.


The self harm would have been a form of behavioural self medication. Yes, I would say the self harm would falsely serve as a release and expression of suppressed affect related to percieved past injustice. Simultaneously it would have seemingly reduced any anxiety and caused an awareness/calmness, probably from the bodies own release of chemicals due to the pain.

Studies show a high percentage of Body Dismorphic sufferers attempt suicide. It is most likely not a cry for help but a real concern that things will never change.
A good Body Dismorphic site is: www.thebddfoundation.com

Kelly Waplington

Christie really shouldnt of self harmed herself- people think that is the solution to most things and its really not, its a cry for help. All she needed was some TLC. Women are way to pressured into looking good, magazines slate celebs if they put on weight and then slater them when they are skinny, the world cant pick what they want!


i think poeple should not self harming beause at the end of the day there ruining there lives and make making the people they love


i was saxually abused when i was 6yrs old and when i was 14 i started to selfharm i thought in my mind i really wanted to die! but after meeting with councellers and getting the chance to talk to someone who cared about what i thought i realiased i never wanted to die i just wanted to feel loved and wanted to be heard.... i always helped other people with there problems and never sorted out my own which i have found hard now im in my mid twentys i have finally realised its not all about me! and i have to deal with my problems before anyone elses.

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