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Extreme holiday diets

Do you worry to the extreme about wearing a bikini on holiday? When do you start panicking about what you’ll look like on the beach? What do you do to lose weight before your holiday?



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Having sufferred eating disorders during my teens, I understand the pressures people can put on themselves and the destructive nature of these sorts of thoughts. When I was "ill" as I call it, I achieved my goal of being skinny, but there was no definition to my limbs - I was just pale and stick thin - like a boy with boobs! My skin was terrible to the point I had to go onto medication and I was often sick or too tired/run down to enjoy life. I was also miserable as any time I allowed myself to eat, I would punish myself. My turning point was when I discovered sport - my coach explained that the body goes into starvation mode, retaining the fat that is left on the body and eating away at the muscle, resulting in a skinny, untoned-looking figure with droopy skin (fortunately I was young enough to avoid teh latter!) and an immune system barely worth having.

I now have an extremely healthy balanced diet (three proper meals per day, plus three small snacks of approx 100 calories), eat at the same time each day and do an hour of exercise at the gym 6 times per week. In my opinion, I look so much better now than I did during my starving/binging days... my skin is clear and glowing, my muscles are nice and toned and my body fat is pretty low.

I keep this routine up all year round, though granted I do may a few concessions on the lead up to my holiday just to make things look even better when I come to wandering around in my skimpies, but it's only a minimal extra effort as my general routine is so good.

My advice to anyone who wants to feel confident in their bikini -don't wait til 6 weeks beforehand - make some permanant, sustainable changes in life - get knowledgable about food - get some advice from a nutritionalist or a Personal Trainer - find a sport you enjoy - do it regularly and stick with it and look after your skin and your body - lots of nutrients, water, protein and low GI carbs (oats and apples are miracle foods!). Don;t be scared to talk to someone or to seek help. And finally concentrate on teh best bits - what do you really like about your body? You'll be amazed how quickly you can start to love yourself!

Good luck girls xxx


It doesnt actually say anywhere in this article how wrong and dangerous this kind of extreme dieting is. If these young ladies are so desperate for a slim figure for summer then why let themselves put on that much weight in the winter if they know they are going to have to endanger themselves for their summer body?


Are there anymore extreme dieting tips? I'm going to post this article on my blog, wwww.mysweetmusings.wordpress.com

Has anyone read the book Skinny Bitch? It claims to lists similar tips and tricks from the skinny bitches themselves. They have a new cookbook, too. I'm desperate.

ann langford

These three woman are pathetic, only in their 20s now, and it is now an accepted medical fact extreme weight loss will mess up your metobolic rate and when they get a few years older, they willnot be able to loose weight accumulated during the winter, whats wrong with sensible eating, and some excercise throughout the year.

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