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'I need 5 men to keep me happy'

Do you or any of your friends date Manhatten style? Can you see the appeal in it or are you a one-man-only kind of girl? Do you think this process of elimination works in the end?



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Sounds like she's just looking for the right guy. What in the world is harlotry or harlotty about that?

Women classically, stereotypically tend to get attached and feel loyally connected, too fast, before they know who they're being prematurely committed to. This results in heartache, mismatched marriages, having kids with men who are incapable fathers, etc. I think it is great for a woman to take responsibility for her happiness, and to take the driver's seat in picking a good mate. And that's all this is. This style of dating doesn't sound at all 'loose' but more practical and about seeking something real based on taking ones's time to commit, so that when you do, it has a greater chance of being real, good and lasting.


I'm a guy and feel this is fine for women to do... but guess what, if you want to do it you will pay the consequences...If I ended up being the '1' after being whittled down from multiple candidates you would be seriously out of luck. I am not applying for a JOB as husband, if that is the case you better be paying me well as I don't come cheap. lol.

Look I think its sad to meet any women who want even appear like the ho's on Sex and the City as thats what you are. It's a series/movie... get a grip. Look 100yrs ago you if you acted like this you would end up in jail... you still can if you can prove vice charges.


rubbish!!! that is simply harlotry.you are deceiving yourself and want to deceive others too.what evil are you trying to introduce? I wonder which man will have regard for you.how long do you think you can play this and which fool of a man can not find out and discard you immediately.there is no good reputation in your introduction.courtship and marriage are meant for those who believe in it ok!.If not, you will continue testing until it is too late thus your having no flavour left in you if ever you will find any man in your style.


i have one man and he makes me happy i am with him every day
i dont see why you need five men i think its selfish and hurting alot off men
thats probly why girls get the name ****!


When i read this i think what are the celebs rolemodeling these days?This is celeb's fault as they are setting this example i really think it is unfair on the person who you are dating.Men feel that you just dont love them and they are embarrasing and not good enough.Hopefully some people may see sense about this.


I dread to think of the relationship issues she'd have to contend with, having more than one man to handle! haha But on a serious note - she's obviously not found the one, or even one that's right for now, but whilst she's looking for someone - I hope she 's upfront about her unfaithfulness and plays safely. And also, that she understands that the men in her life are also playing the field - it's not a situation I'd like to put myself in, let's put it like that.

Cheating on me is like saying they have no respect for me, my body or my feelings - and I really wouldn't like to be with ANY man like that. But we're not all the same now are we? What's right for one is wrong for another

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