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Is honesty really the best policy?

Would you be willing to upset a friend if it meant you were just being honest with yourself? Would you understand if somebody you knew acted this way towards you, or would you be offended?



Most definatley! Even if its an honesty we may not like to hear - tact is the key, you can quite easily tell someone that their bum looks big in something tactfully.

I would much rather a few moments of burning cheeks, and have the opportunity to change it, over being told a lie to go on and look like a pratt as nobody has the guts to be honest with me.

Being a very honest person comes at a cost, but in the long run i benefit. Some people can't take my honesty, so i don't have hundrends of friends - however i have approx 10 good, honest friends who are almost like family.

My honesty has also cost me relationships with my family - but i wouldn't change that, as i have in inner peace knowing nothing will ever be able to come back on me, and the honest friends i have i can rely on - yet my few family members spend each day in a false world of two faced lies, and not one of them can trust the other! LOL!

steve woodward

i feel that honesty is the best policy.why go around telling lies all the time what is the point if i was asked does my bum look big in this out fit and it i would say yes why tell lies.
if they looked better in something i tell them . if you dont want me to be honest why ask me.
if my wife asks me does this top look ok i tell her the truth i perfer the other as it enhances your breast she calls me a perv but hey were married i love her breast natural 44dd. it is about time men were honest with there woman if a woman can say to a man then what is teh differance my wife appreciates me telling her the truth.maybe my wife and i have a very truthful and honest relationship and that is what makes ours work.

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