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Have you fought back from illness?

Have you had any reconstructive surgery? Do you think having surgery helps somebody to recover in an emotional or psychological sense?


Fiona Smith

Well done Tara for getting through your reconstruction and coping so well.

I too have had breast surgery the last one was my 7th on my left breast. This resulted in a mastectomy without reconstruction. When I made the decision to have this surgery there was a 5% chance of the cancer returning so I opted to stay natural and just have the mastectomy. The main reason for this was I had found all the previous lumps myself and if I had anything false put in I would not know what was real and if there was a further problem.

It was a hard decision to make but I made sure my fiance was aware of all the implications of this surgery and how relieved I was when the breast was removed. Now I am happy and moving on with my life. The threat of the cancer returning always hangs in the air but I too live day by day. I enjoy my life as best I can.

I got married on the 15th November 2008 something which I never thought I would do. In September 2007 we asked for help on the Trisha Goddard Show and we duly received this help. We also had a surprise given to us by Trisha and her team. Ana Cristache of London was to be my wedding dress designer.

On the wedding day we raised £375 for MacMillan Cancer Support and £98.44 for Breast Cancer Care.

Life does go on and I am happy going around naturally at home without my prothesis so long as I can wear a smile on my face it keeps me going.

People judge on looks. I don't so long as you can wear a smile and be proud of who you are you can get through life. I have met other people far worse off than me. Leanne Grose for one has inspired me to keep going and I am in the middle of writing a book.

Life doesn't stop just because of cancer. In fact my life has changed for the better.

All the very best.


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