Fabulous Issue 45 - tell us what you think
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Tell us what you think about the latest issue of Fabulous Magazine - free with the News of the World every Sunday
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If Denise Sinclair thought that melanotan II was going to be an quick easy way to tan without having to do her homework then it's no wonder she would have been disappointed. The melanotan peptides absolutely do work and quite astoundingly in some cases. Red haired folks (type I) can actually become tanned when using them. Folks should probably hold off on using either right now though due to the fact that neither is licensed for human usage. There is a potential option for the future though. An Australian company named Clinuvel has developed a bioabsorbable subcutaneous implant version of melanotan-1 (under the generic name "afamelanotide"). They've just gotten FDA approval to conduct human trials in the U.S.
There's more information to be had here:
"Suntan Drug Greenlighted for Trials"
Posted by: melanotan - afamelanotide | 2009.03.13 at 08:22 PM
There was a flower cuff in this week or last weeks, i have thrown the magazine away, does anyone know where it was from, it was on the front couple of pages
Posted by: Vee | 2008.12.16 at 01:44 PM
hi there, i have been trying to find the blue skirt you have pictured in your issue 45 mag, its from Limitef Collection at Marks and Spencers but i have tried 3 different branches and none of them have it or have had it, can you tell me where i can find it please, many thanks
Posted by: joanne | 2008.12.15 at 08:53 AM
we too have adopted two brothers,the eldest one having major behaviour problems.We have had them for 5 years and every day we have terrible trouble with the eldest.Social services do not offer any support.My self and my husband are not qualified to cope with a child with psychological problems and he does push us to the limits most days.We have found it very difficult to cope
Posted by: elizabeth henstridge | 2008.12.14 at 03:12 PM
I am trying to find one of the outfits featured in your george @ asda item with real people modelling. It's the outfir with teal coloured tights and cream jumper dress. I have contacted asda direct but they have no idea. I can only find the tights and scarf online but not the jumper or shoes. Can you please please help at all as i love this outfit!
Posted by: steph | 2008.12.11 at 04:22 PM
I am trying to purchase the coat advertised at 85.00 from A wear, but to no avail and want it for my daughter for xmas, can you help
Posted by: karen | 2008.12.09 at 10:16 AM
I love the guide to Diva Dresses and wanted to purchase the dress from Goddiva which is not on thier website and they are not aware which dress it is please can you advise IM IN LOVE WITH IT!!!!!
Posted by: Gaynor Davis | 2008.12.08 at 02:23 PM
I can’t believe people would even think about having a chemical injected into their body in order to look tanned. What’s wrong with a bottle of St Tropez for goodness sake – or shock, horror, beautiful, English rose, pale skin?
Posted by: Mo | 2008.12.08 at 11:20 AM
With ref to your article about tan injections. Dr Hilary's comments are correct its too good to be true. I have used this Melanotan injections recently, and the product does not work. I was told to have a couple of tan sessions whilst taking it and them continue to have sunbed sessions weekly to maintain the tan. A couple of sunbed sessions will give one a tan without this rubbish. A complete waste of money.
Denise Sinclair
Posted by: Denise Sinclair | 2008.12.07 at 03:02 PM
I loved the interview with Nicole Sherzinger - although I wish I was going out with Lewis Hamilton instead!
Posted by: Amber | 2008.12.06 at 08:39 PM