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Male body survey

Were you surprised by the results? What’s your opinion on men’s bodies in general? Who do you think worry more about their bodies – men or women?



Sam Hodges

Although I sometimes wonder what it would be like to stroke a body like Brad's, I love my man just the way he is. I really don't mind if he ever puts on a bit of weight, and I like to think he feels the same way about my body.


Oh for God's sake leave the make-up at least to us women! Haven't the men got enough alredy? After all a man of 50 can still have an affair with a girl of 20 without causing a scandal, quite the opposite if the roles are inverted.As for plastic surgery, have they invented anything for a male brain makeover yet?

Victoria Nixon

I was shocked to read about mens views of their body, but enlightened at why my husband has been less than enthusiastic about shopping for beach wear for our upcoming holiday - thanks to Fabulous we had a heart to heart and can do something about it!

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