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Groomless bride

Is Andrea a barmy bride or super-organised? Do all girls dream of their future wedding? Is Andrea setting herself up for a fall? Will her extreme planning put men off?



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For someone who is so obsessed with getting married and weddings, to say that the groom's part in the day is not that vital is a bit silly, it takes to to get married, a bride AND a groom, clearly something she hasn't yet realised.
This reminds me of the film 'Muriels Wedding', and look how well that turned out!

Dorothea Clarke

Hi Sarah, I agree with every word you said about these talentless celebrities, husband has been singing for 50 years and is still making a living from it today, He is 67 years old and he has never had the recognition he truly deserves,He said he will retire when the phone stops ringing.
If you have the time Sarah,log on to his website
www.jim-clarke-country-music.co.uk and listen to his CD samples and you will know where I am coming from, Thanking You, Dorothea Clarke

Chelsey Gardner

OMG!!!!! We all know that the one thing men are totally terrified of is the mere mention of marriage!! This is enough to send any man running, and if Andrea thinks advertising the fact she has her whole wedding day planned will bag her a man, then she is totally barmy! She is young, free and single and should be enjoying herself, getting out and meeting blokes. Then, and only then, let the marriage thing happen naturally, and let her future husband have some involvement!!


I enjoyed your article about reality stars being as unpleasant as the plague.
You have hit it on the head. THE REASON that present day television production is at such a low standard. - Cheaply made Reality Shows.

These sad examples of pond life crawl out from under their rocks and expect instant fortune/careers/entry to A List bashes in return for degrading themselves on TV to ever shrinking audiences.

In the case of BB they do not even notice the ship has left the harbour and sank. Even on Sunday Night Project one of that show's hosts has stated he hated working with them, and their input this year on his show, compared to last year has been greatly reduced to a brief run into audience wearing jacket with money attached. Yet they still crawl onto his show to be humilated.

These 'celebs' must be truely brain dead!


how weird...she will have to keep dreaming - any guy would definitely be freaked out by such an obsessed and controlling woman!!!!!!

sam mc

I thought that Andrea sounds like a bit of a control freak , she says that when she meets the guy she wants to marry she wont tell him about her "planned wedding" until she's sure he can handle it....any sane guy would run for the hills! we arent in the 50's now and believe it or not , some guys do actually want to have a say about how their wedding should be, is this a forsight into andreas future and is it just the wedding she has planned down to a T ??!


Your article Groomless Bride made me laugh, I actually have a groom and am getting married next year yet all we have booked is the church. We're just deciding on venues at the moment and already its driving me crazy - I have no idea on colour schemes, flowers, dresses, etc although I haven't been dreaming of getting married most my life. Am I odd or are other woman the same as me?


After reading your article featuring Andrea and her 'Havn't got a groom wedding' (issue 27), I thought she was maybe a bit too eager to make plans for something that big even though she hasnt't got a partner or in a relationship. She could be setting herself up for something that unfortunatley may never happen for her, which would be very upsetting as she is obviously very eager to get married!! Hopefully though, everything will plan out for her in the future so she can enjoy her marriage!

Helen Fraser

Lets hope you find a gorgeous and very rich man who loves you enough to let you do whatever you please regardless of the price, and has a mother who doesn't interfere. Good Luck, cos all mother-in-laws know best!!

Mary Ann

I agree with Sarah that there are too many talentless celebs out there now. It irks me that there are so many talented guys and girls out there basking and hitting the pavement but cannot get a break, and there are those who ended up with all the break, being a social lab rat and showing how crude, uncivilised and uneducated they really are. But they get the fame and rewards for such behaviour. But you cannot placed all the blame on them, the individual who encourages, watch the show religiously and keep voting on the shows are to blame.

I detest the shows like BB, and refused to watch or read any show or article based on the show.

By the way, I am not one of those who is bitter because I have talent and have not got a break. I have no talent that I want to show anyone or the world at all, but I do know a lot of people who has, and I am angry on their behalf.

roy c

Sounds like 'pots and kettles' to me from Sarah Whatshername. Does it require any talent to be a DJ??

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