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Wannabe WAGs

Is becoming a footballers wife or girlfriend really a good life goal?

Have you ever found yourself in debt through following an unrealistic lifestyle? Do you wish you were a WAG or do you scorn their very existence?



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Well women who's life ambitions are to be WAGS are defintely still juvenile people. Yes there are people like coleen, cheryll and posh spice who do genuinely love their man but they DO have careers and dreams of their own. Cheryll is in a band, posh was and is an equal to David and Coleen has also made atleast 5 million from other things shes done since Rooney - such as writing books, being a columnist and also having her own T.V series, so not all WAGS are the typical goldigga.
So you cant REALLY stereo style a WAG as another Heather mills!


The mansions they live in— some right on the beachfronts— are stupendous fortresses and their lifestyle, a source of envy.


Girls like danielle lloyd are gold diggers and should get a job like ordiannary people and not go to the clubs were all footballers are suspected to be espicially if they already have a wife/gilfriend its so low and stupid if you need money that bad get a better job!


The girls who want to be a wag are silly people. Collen was with Wayne b4 he hit the big time and earns her own money now as do Cheryl they dont need them for that they live their own life and do theyre own thing. The ones who go to clubs looking for the fotballers thinking that they can have them and not work and spend all their money get a real job and live in the real world I think Louise and Jamie Redknapp are the best footballers couple ever they keep theirselves out of the lime lite unlike posh and becks they are good toghther but have to be in the lime lite all the time and air their dirty laundrey in public Girls who dream ov being with a footballer are dim air heads get a life!!!!

Sarah Jones

No it most certainly isn't a good life goal. These girls should be ashamed of themselves. I completely agree with Coleen when she calls them desperate, but they're worse than desperate they're pathetic. Get a life and stop dreaming of someone else's. If it's wealth you want get off your lazy backsides and go get yourself a` career. Sorry about the rant but this topic makes me so angry!!

Liz hopkins

I think any girl that thinks marrying a footballer for the money and to get fame with it is just very sad. If that what our children have to look forward to it is not right.

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