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Irresistible to women

Do you find these four men irresistible? What attracts you to a man? Have you ever dated a guy who your friends thought wasn't good looking? So do you think looks are important in a relationship or is beauty only skin deep?



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Ronny Schneider

I´m a very nice Man.


No, I don't believe it does make you shallow Sarah K - Like you say, you've got to be somewhat attracted to someone and to say that what's inside a person is all that counts is fake!
It's the WHOLE package that counts, or least it does for me

John H

As a guy, I know this is true. I am better looking then all these guys but because I'm shy have had less than five women in my forty years.

Sarah K

I have to say that I don't find any of the guys in the article attractive! I think that while you can often find guys who, after a while, become attractive to you through personality, there always needs to be a spark of the physical! My boyfriend has got a great personality, but I also found him gorgeous when I first met him. While I may have got to know him over time and found out that I loved him beyond the looks, it is doubtful that I would have said yes to that first date if he looked like one of these guys! Does that make me shallow?

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