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Have you been concerned by your children’s internet use? Do you control what they view? Is it a good way for them to interact with the world or do you think it opens up too many dangers?




I would like to buy one of these devices as we are buying our daughter a laptop for Christmas.Could anyone tell me where i can get one and what they are called?


i have a 13yr old daughter who often goes on the internet and i would like to get one of these devices put on her computer but im not sure where to get it from.
please help


I am a teenager myself and my mother doesn't let me go on chat sights. As a teenager, I admit, I go off in a strop but it's stories like these that make me want to thank my mother for not letting me go on. Because you don't know who is out there.


i do not know why this girl was not in bed by 10pm let alone 5am?


This story just goes to show why parents should limit their kids' internet access - and certainly why they shouldn't have computers in their bedrooms. Yes, having the device is great, but when your child is in chat rooms at 5am talking to random men, instead of being asleep, what does that say about you as a parent?


This story just goes to show how important these tracking devices are. I have had one installed on my computer for a few months now - thankfully my kids haven't been looking at anything dodgy or been targeted by a pervert, but the peace of mind it's given me has been amazing. I would recommend every parent should get one - you can't put a price on your peace of mind.

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