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Have you ever had your drink spiked?

Do you and your friends look out for each other when you're on a night out? What do you think of Claire's story?



I too had my drink spiked, this was on a night out with work colleagues, they have all claimed that I was knocking them back, but I have seen the cctv - and I can see that I had 2.5 drinks in 2.5 hours, I know it was the second drink as I started to feel a bit odd shortly after drinking it. I have no memory at all from 8.30pm until I was arrested for criminal damage at 11pm. It has been a month of trying to get some help, any help, from anyone and no one believed me. I took a couple of urine samples and bought my own tests, this shows that there are a couple of traces of drugs in my system. Now I have paid nearly £700 for a hair test and trying to get to see the cctv again, what a nightmare, apart from questioning my sanity and not being able to look my neighbours in the eye,I am feeling anxious about going to work (as it does look as tho it was someone who I worked with who did this to me). No one wants to help - maybe cos so many girls (and boys) have cried wolf about drink spiking? Any help or suggestions gratefully recieved :)

Stella Hutchinson

I too have had my drink spiked on a Christmas works night out on the 18th December 2008. I collapsed and smashed my left wrist. I had to have an operation and three wires to pin my wrist and hand back together. Five months later I'm having physio therapy on my wrist and hand and still not able to go back to work as a Hairdresser.

Kind Regards
Stella Hutchinson


Claire's story terrified me - imagine waking up after a night out and not knowing who you are. It makes me so angry that some idiot robbed her of her memories. Thankfully she's rebuilding her life, but it's worrying that the person who did this will never be found - and someone else might not be as 'lucky' as Claire.


I really hate these idiots who spike drinks. It happened to me last years in a place where there were also 2 'celebs'. I had a drink for 2 hours and 45min after finishing my drink I started experiencing the strange symptoms. I must have gripped on the bar until the security took me outside on what was like a second of blacking out (but that is impossible for the security to be there in 1sec) and you know what? the company in charge of that place kept pushing me from an employee to another when the following week I spoke with them about this.

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